We've been winding up all old contests and getting a new back-end contest thingy ready to roll. Now after engineering meetings, three sessions of dead cat throwing, four deep dish pizzas and a sinkhole appearing in the middle of Cleveland, we're good. But first--a test!

A TEST!!!!

Enter this contest. It's open for 24 hours only. At the end of 24 hours, if everything works, we'll send out a random moderately cool prize from the Needcoffee prize closet. If everything doesn't work, I'll probably wind up committing sepukku on the roof. And considering we work in an underwater facility, that should tell you something.

Right. So enter the contest. It's a test contest. You may or may not win anything. But you'll be helping us either way.

Also, I'm testing out the new subscription/opt-in system. So if you opt-in to the newsletter, you'll see a confirmation e-mail asking you if you're sure. If you opt-in to the list for 3rd party folks, you'll see a confirmation e-mail on that as well. The beautiful thing is, if you opt-in to both now, you won't need to opt-in for future contests, because you'll be set!


Contest Closed! For available contests, click here.