So here’s a fun video of Adam Savage getting introduced to some obsolete bits of audio media. A lot of which I have never seen before. I was never an audiophile, though. I’m still not. Mostly it’s because I can’t hear any change in audio quality over 128K to save my life. And I have no emotional attachment to vinyl records. I’m that weirdo that owned a 200-CD disc changer/player, so I was built for an MP3 world.
Anyway, some of these are nuts. And it’s worth watching if for no other reason than you get to see a replica of the “my voice is my passport” device from Sneakers.
Oh, and I couldn’t resist, I had to watch the video about the weird mustard-colored phonograph cartridge thing. So here’s that.
P.S. While I have no emotional attachment to vinyl, I can understand it having its resurgence. You cassette tape aficionados trying to bring that back, though…are you folks okay?