32 Days of Halloween XVII, Day 24
Medieval Ghosts
I think the tone of this first short piece (created for children, it seems) is great in that it asks “Why did medieval people think ghosts were real?” in a way that implies nobody does these days. Those silly medieval people. Well played, English Heritage.
Now here’s a longer docu about the same subject. I do think it’s nice how she humored the nice old man with the dousing rods.
For tonight’s feature, we have Spawn of the Slithis from 1978. A nuclear power plant paves the way for a monster to be spawned. Now…all the stuff I was seeing online about this film made it sound like “Slithis” was an existing thing and not a name created for this specifically. But when searching around for more info, all I found was this: a Roger Ebert contemporary review, which is definitely worth reading. Enjoy.