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The Savage Bees!

32 Days of Halloween XVII, Day 20
Wanda the Witch
Sesame Street: The Walking Gingerbread

We start the evening with an educational bent, here…first with a story of Wanda the Witch. And Marvel should really pay attention to this: it proves you can have a story about a character called Wanda and not be a dick about it.

I know this is a Walking Dead parody and it’s silly and Sesame Street and all, but the idea of not being able to eat cookies is kinda terrifying.

And for tonight’s feature…pretty sure we haven’t had an entry in the much favored When Animals Attack genre yet this year, so we head to 1976 and the TV movie The Savage Bees. Because nothing ruins a Mardi Gras like a swarm of killer bees. Enjoy.