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The Ape Man!

32 Days of Halloween XVII, Day 10
The Hermit’s Cave
The Man in Black

We’ve had an episode from the old-time radio show, The Hermit’s Cave, on here before. However, I did not realize that the way they syndicated the show (or at least one way they did) is to send out the scripts so you could do the show with a local cast. In theory, this means you could have the same episode performed by different people–and I wonder if any two versions of any show are extant. That would be fascinating listening. Anyway, here is the most generic title of anything we will probably post this year: Mystery of the Strange Thing!

And while I was looking at old-time radio, it occurred to me that we’ve never posted a show from the revival of Appointment with Fear, the British series that came back in 2009 as The Man in Black. The title character was portrayed by Mark Gatiss. Because of course it was.

For tonight’s feature, we head to 1943 and The Ape Man, which is…not great. But it is Lugosi and it does have the sort of “twist ending” you could probably only get away with in 1943. Enjoy.