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The Ghost Walks!

32 Days of Halloween XVII, Day 5
Night of the Living Dead: The Opera
Dead Man’s Bones Documentary

I can’t remember if I mentioned this before or not: but I’ve had an idea for a Night of the Living Dead opera for a long time…despite the fact I know very little about, you know, opera. My basic conceit is that the living sing in Italian, the dead sing in German. That’s all I’ve ever had. This is in English…but it’s an actual full-on opera. So kudos to them. Also, I am jealous of their vocal power.

While we’re speaking of music, I know I’ve mentioned before the band Dead Man’s Bones. I enjoyed them for a while before I learned Ryan Gosling is half of the band. Here is a documentary about a live show they were performing along with a kids’ choir. Nice.

I wonder just how many films could be categorized in the “Old Dark House” subgenre. People wind up stranded at an old house and weird things begin occurring. It starts of course with the original from 1931, and here we see an entry from 1934. A comedy/mystery called The Ghost Walks. Enjoy.