Admittedly, the title leaves a little to be desired, but the performances look fricking amazing.
And while we’re on the subject of Marvel’s heroes, the ESPN Magazine “Body Issue” is going to feature artwork depicting nine heroes wearing clothing that could be considered to be…ahem…made of molecules so unstable they don’t actually show up at all. To Kim: no Hawkeye, sorry. To Leigh: no Coulson, sorry. Source.
Here’s the question, though. Consider that Man of Steel 2 had to become Dawn of Justice and the springboard for the hastily conceived DCCU. Consider that it became that after the first film underperformed (according to Warner Brothers) at the box office. Consider finally that Warner Brothers hardly ever has one of their non-Nolanverse DC movies perform to their crazy expectations. What happens if Dawn of Justice doesn’t do madcap Avengers numbers…then what does the solo Bat-film become? Source.