‘Does it hurt when you drink decaf?’ ‘Every time.’
Hugh Jackman is one badass individual. Not only has his Wolverine been too awesome for any of the movies he has featured in, but he sings, he dances, he produces and seems to be an all-around nice guy. Did you know he was a coffee achiever? I didn’t. And I know you might be thinking: Widge, everybody likes coffee. Even the people who say they don’t, it’s just because they haven’t found their coffee yet. And yes, dear friend, I agree with you. But Jackman is taking it to another level.
He’s made this fair trade coffee documentary:
And he’s created Laughing Man, which runs a coffee shop and tea room in New York City plus he’s introduced a coffee brand (also called Laughing Man) from which he gives 100% of his profits to the foundation of the same name which wants to use coffee as a means of bringing positive change into the world and helping those in extreme poverty.
So yeah, Jackman sorta likes coffee. I would love to try some of this…but…at the moment it’s Keurig-exclusive. And I use a regular drip coffee maker or an Aeropress, usually. So…eventually.
In the meantime, our friends and yours over at Out of Print Clothing have a tie-in t-shirt which looks pretty sweet:

We applaud Jackman for thinking coffee can change the world. We agree wholeheartedly. You need to be awake more so you can change the world more. That’s what we say, anyway. Laughing Man coffee can be found from Amazon here.