Because I am. Not just because you can’t have too many Bruce Campbell-related items in your house. I’m looking forward to the insane variations of the toys that might occur. You know what I’m talking about. And yes, I mean beyond just Daredevil having his own Hot Wheels car, which you could argue is just the artwork on the car not an implication that he himself is driving it.
Along that line though, you do get the Avengers Tower Takeover set from Hot Wheels…which would make sense if the Iron Man Mark VXXII or whatever was a car instead of a suit. Perhaps.
And you have the Star Trek Burger King toys that all look like they’re characters from a Ziggy comic strip or something.
And quite possibly my favorite: the Rocky Collectors Series Action Figure of…The Meat. Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.
What does this have to do with Ash vs. Evil Dead the TV series, which is starting up production soon (if it hasn’t already)? Because I want there to be an Arctic Ash action figure. Perhaps just because, perhaps as a nod back to Dead Snow. And the reason I want there to be action figure…is because its special “kung fu grip”-esque ability should be…this.
Tell me you wouldn’t buy that. I mean, you’d probably sigh as you inevitably fished in your pocket or purse for your wallet. But you would.