Apologies for the recent madness. I’ve been moving the site to a new server set up. We have close to 200 GB of images, podcasts, and other miscellaneous content that had to be ferried from one place to another. I have a degree in English. If you are thinking to yourself that this sounds like a great pitch for a new, darkly humorous sitcom…then you are correct.
I will spare you the full details of the reasons for the move, but suffice it to say that the old home was very old. and one of the things that you run into with an old server home are people trying to break in. if you run a WordPress site, I urge you to install some form of Limit Logins Plugin…because as I learned from one of Tim Ferriss’ posts, native WordPress will let you try passwords all day long, making a brute force entry quite easy. And once you set this up and get notifications or view the log, I think you’ll be amazed some bot hasn’t already hacked you.
Also, on the new server, WordPress actually comes up without me having to go get a sandwich while I wait. So that’s cool. Plus: that new server smell!
Some things may still be broken: like the ability to play podcasts direct on the site, since the plugin we were using for that is no longer kosher. If you spot something broken, feel free to email me or leave a comment here and I will add it to the list.
Anyway, enough with boring webmastery bits. We will shortly be back with slightly more regular (from a scheduling sense) content, and a new look for the site which will incorporate a mobile version. And then hopefully some ways to make the site more sustainable so I can afford to work on it more often.