Oh, BBC Radio. You’ve given so much to us for Halloween over the years. A shining example is getting Christopher Lee to read…well, let’s face it, we’d listen to Sir Christopher read any goddamn thing he wanted. I still maintain you could get the likes of him and James Earl Jones to just go on tour and read random things…and we would all pay good money to see this. But I digress. Lee’s Fireside Tales, which we’ve mentioned before, gave us some excellent readings…including this one of Poe’s The Black Cat.
(Do me a favor–if you haven’t listened to my version, do that first, since his kicks mine in the arse.) And then, of course, this has very little to do with the 1934 film starring Lugosi and Karloff, since the film has marginally more in common with the original short story than the Will Smith I Am Legend had to do with its source material.
I digress again. Regardless, simply because we can, we’ve included the trailer for Lee in Horror Hotel from 1960…the full film of which we posted back in 2008. Enjoy!
If you have Amazon Prime, Horror Hotel is available for streaming for free right now. And it’s available on DVD for just about that.