Yes, we’re hanging with Karloff in tonight’s feature presentation. But before we get there, another Rox of Spazhouse find–and damn, it’s an excellent one. Someone put together a short tribute video for this year’s Peter Cushing centenary. And as far as I’m concerned, they get huge points for not forgetting his turn in Top Secret! Well played.
Then, it’s story time. Jeffrey Combs, known for playing Herbert West in the movie version of Lovecraft‘s Re-Animator, reads the whole story in six parts. As I mentioned when I did the same thing, the language and attitudes of the story are considerably dated. So don’t be surprised. And for some reason, this appears to be completely out of print and unavailable.
And now for tonight’s film: The Man Who Changed His Mind. Which doesn’t sound terribly scary as a title, which is probably why it’s also known as The Man Who Lived Again, Dr. Maniac and the even more on-the-nose The Brainsnatcher. Karloff is in mad scientist mode as the guy who probably taught Dr. Doom how to do his mind-switching trick. This is from 1936. Enjoy.
The film is available (used is pretty damn cheap) on DVD from Amazon.
An interesting note about Peter Cushing is that he painted self portraits of him as a one of the characters he was portraying.