Just the other day, Rainfall Films and director Sam Balcomb proved they could do what DC Entertainment has so often said was impossible: they’ve made what looks like it should be the trailer for a feature-length Wonder Woman movie.
Wonder Woman is NOT CONFUSING. If you tried to reconcile every version of Superman or Batman in a film, it wouldn't work for them, either.
— GailSimone (@GailSimone) July 31, 2013
This is an amazing piece of proof-of-concept fan-art, made more amazing by the quality of the effects done by a smaller studio, and the amount of narrative layering they do in such a short space. the story moves from present day to Themyscira and back, showing Diana acting alone and as a part of a tactical force.
But I’ve talked it up, enough; take a look after the jump…
See what I mean?
Now, Rileah Vanderbuilt’s stature and bearing are utterly perfect, in this, but I’m not without a little bit of criticism: if, by some elegant miracle, Rainfall did manage to parlay this into a full length feature, I’d want Rileah Vanderbuilt to bulk up a bit, to gain an intense layer of combat muscle (I’d also want the studio to spend some more time on her fight choreography, but that’s basically a given, with any action feature). Additionally, while Heather Green’s costume design is utterly wonderful, on the whole, it’s still true that the strapless, metal-topped shirt-thing has never worked.
Now, I’m personally extremely fond of cosplayer Meagan Marie’s work:

…and I think we would all love to see a professionally-metal-worked Wonder Woman costume with these practical elements–shoulder support straps, shin guards, etc.–woven into it.
But these are minor tweaks overall. What Rainfall has done here is spectacular, and will hopefully light a fire under DC Entertainment’s ass to do the right thing, stop being misogynist douchenozzles, and make the live-action Wonder Woman movie that fans have been waiting nearly Forty Years to see.
Well-done, Rainfall, and good luck to you.
(H/T to Lauren over at Forces of Geek for letting me know this had hit the tubes.)
Post Script: And this comes around the same time as a bit of PR/news from the other of the two Comics Monoliths. Hot on the heels of the release of the first of many proposed Agent Carter short films, here is Marvel using an intelligent, well-rounded female character to encourage girls and young women to enter the STEM fields.
Not only does Marvel recognise and ACCEPT that over 40% of their demographic (and Growing) are women, but they’ve seen that DC has continually shown their weak spot in the form of an INABILITY to do so. With DC Entertainment on the ropes Marvel is just going to keep hammering away, until the former folds up like a damn card table.
Because, as we’ve discussed, DC still thinks Wonder Woman is “too complicated…”