Coming to DragonCon this weekend? Want to seek out Team Need Coffee as we scatter amongst the madness? Here’s your guide. Follow our Needcoffee feed for last minute updates. Where available, everyone’s first mention has their Twitter ID linked up–so feel free to follow folks for their latest weirdness. (Except in cases where they’ve been added to an earlier panel than I first had them–so they’re Twitter-linked on here somewhere. I’m old and lazy.) As always, this list is subject to change without notice or sense.
As always, inevitably, there will be formatting and other stupid errors on this schedule. If you find something wrong, just ping me and we’ll get it fixed. Danke.
Ver. 1.01 – 8/26 – Tuffley’s full schedule added; Wolven’s full schedule fixed; Bad Men 2 fixed; other appearances by Kidlet, Kim & Leigh added.
Ver. 1.02 – 8/26 – Rox’s Alt History Sherlock Holmes panel added on Friday.
Ver. 1.03 – 8/27 – Rob’s 7pm Peter Davison panel on Friday added.
Friday, August 30th
When: Fri 10:00 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom A-F – Sheraton
Description: Q&A for all things Torchwood.
Who: Rob.
Everything Doctor Who: 50 Years in the TARDIS
When: Fri 11:30 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom West – Hilton
Description: Q&A on the entire Doctor Who Universe is all forms of media.
Who: Rob.
How to Become a Comics Scholar
When: Fri 11:30 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Hanover F – Hyatt
Description: Discussion of the field of comics studies.
Who: Wolven.
Make the Bad Men Stop Part 1
When: Fri 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: You should know what this is by now. Show up and have your cinematic dreams crushed. By an iron boot. While we laugh.
Who: Damn near everybody.
SHIELD: X-Files or Dragnet?
When: Fri 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: Is SHIELD, so far, reminding us more of XF or a police procedural?
Who: Jon, Kim, Leigh & Tuffley.
Doctor Who Series 7 Review
When: Fri 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Crystal Ballroom – Hilton
Description: A look at the New Series 7 of Doctor Who and how it compares to prior seasons.
Who: Rob.
Inside the Actor’s Gaffe with Sylvester McCoy
When: Fri 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom A-F – Sheraton
Description: From selling tickets at London’s Roundhouse Theater to now, the Seventh Doctor talks on his life, career, and current works.
Who: Rob.
Need Coffee Dot Com vs. Sherlock
When: Fri 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: As the BBC prepares to bring another batch of Sherlock back to our screens, the Need Coffee crew takes a look at Stephen Moffat and Mark Gattis’ reinterpretation of the famed detective.
Who: A whole damn slew of us.
FRED Entertainment Panel-Palooza-Extrava-Thingee-a-Doodle
When: Fri 5:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom West – Hilton
Description: Aaron says, “Me, Ken Plume, Molly Lewis, Joseph Scrimshaw, Paul & Storm, James Urbaniak, Bill Corbett – Why Go? Because look at that line-up. That’s why. We’ll talk about pretty much anything you suggest. Seriously. We’ll be pulling topics literally out of a hat full of your suggestion.”
Who: Aaron.
Sherlock Holmes and the Mainstreaming of Victoriana
When: Fri 5:30pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Augusta – Westin
Description: Alternate history has grown in popularity, largely thanks to in the interest in Victorian-era fiction.
Who: Rox.
The Fifth Doctor: Peter Davison
When: Fri 7:00pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom A-F – Sheraton
Description: Q&A session with Mr. Davison
Who: Rob.
Need Coffee Presents: Your Weekend Justice Show of Shows
When: Fri 8:30pm (Length: 3 Hours or so…maybe…kinda)
Location: Regency V – Hyatt
Description: What combines a live podcast recording, audience participation, games, innuendo, caffeine and improv? This. This does.
Who: Everybody.
Saturday, August 31st
The Parade
When: Sat 10:00am
Location: Outside
Description: The massive procession of geekdom.
Who: Rox and her mighty wheels.
Doctor Who Classic Series
When: Sat 11:30am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Crystal Ballroom – Hilton
Description: John Levene plus the BritTrack are kickin’ it old school with a panel devoted to the Classic Series of Doctor Who.
Who: Rob.
Widgett Walls: Live Reading
When: Sat 11:30am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Vinings – Hyatt
Description: Widge reads some poetry, some spoken word and some fiction. And maybe a cupcake recipe. Who knows?
Who: Widge.
Doctor Who New Series Chat
When: Sat 1:00pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Crystal Ballroom – Hilton
Description: From 2005 to Now, Doctor Who’s New Series has inspired, shocked, and awed us.
Who: Rob.
Read All About It: Zombies in the Media
When: Sat 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Vinings 1-2 – Westin
Description: Zombies are everywhere, even in “traditional” media. Why the ever increasing popularity, and what role do zombies play in modern day media? (Answer: they’re studio executives.)
Who: Widge
Torchwood: From Start to Finish
When: Sat 2:30pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Atrium Ballroom – Marriott
Description: John Barrowman, Burn Gorman, Gareth David-Lloyd, and Eve Myles discuss everything about Torchwood you ever wanted to know.
Who: Rob.
Inside the Actor’s Gaffe with Noel Clarke
When: Sat 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom East – Hilton
Description: Spend an hour with BAFTA winning actor, director, and screenwriter Noel Clarke as we delve into his fascinating career.
Who: Rob.
Philosophical Readings of Star Trek
When: Sat 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Athens – Sheraton
Description: Investigating questions of ethics, identity and aesthetics in the Trek franchise.
Who: Wolven.
Person of Interest: Fiction or Fact?
When: Sat 7:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: The NSA spoiled our panel, to be honest. It’s OK though–we’ll do our best to explore the world of Person of Interest and see what’s ahead for Team Machine. Also, REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED. So there’s that.
Who: Kim & Tuffley.
Raising the Robot
When: Sat 7:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Embassy A-B – Hyatt
Description: Analysis of cautionary SF tales to examine how we might and should approach our responsibilities to potential future artificial life forms.
Who: Wolven.
Gonzoroo II
When: Sat 8:30 pm (Length: 2 Hours, 30 Minutes)
Location: Atrium Ballroom – Marriott
Description: Bill Corbett, Molly Lewis, Sylvester McCoy, Paul & Storm, Mike Phirman, Ken Plume, Adam Savage, Joseph Scrimshaw, James Urbaniak in concert.
Who: Aaron.
The Many Faces of Jack the Ripper
When: Sat 8:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Augusta 1-2 – Westin
Description: A discussion of the infamous serial murderer.
Who: Rox.
Orphan Black
When: Sat 8:30pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: A discussion of this groundbreaking show.
Who: Wolven.
The Following Fan Discussion
When: Sat 10:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Vinings 1-2 – Westin
Description: A discussion of the “followers” in seasons 1 and 2, and what fans want to see as The Following progresses.
Who: Jon, Rox, Widge.
Sunday, September 1st
Doctor Who Origins
When: Sun 10:00 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: A talk on the origins of Doctor Who, how it all began, and how it grew in its early years.
Who: Rob.
When: Sun 11:30 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: A discussion of British music.
Who: Rob Levy; Tuffley; Kim; Aaron Poole; Widge.
The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Neil Gaiman
When: Sun 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: This panel examines the work of Neil Gaiman, including his recent Doctor Who script, his new American Gods TV series, and his legendary works.
Who: Widge.
Warehouse 13
When: Sun 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: A panel about the show, naturally.
Who: Leigh, Rox.
FRED Entertainment Presents Yet Another Panel About Dr Who
When: Sun 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: A601-602 – Marriott
Description: Aaron says, “Come chat with us about The Doctor. More panelists to be added too!” Already scheduled: Aaron, Ken, Joseph Scrimshaw & Molly Lewis.
Who: Aaron.
A Look at 50 Years of Doctor Who with Two Doctors!
When: Sun 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Atrium Ballroom – Marriott
Description: The Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, and Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, discuss what makes this show last over lifetimes.
Who: Rob.
Lost: Um, So We Figured THAT Out…Finally
When: Sun 4:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: Fandom discussion.
Who: Aaron, JJ & Jon.
Need Coffee Dot Com vs. The Whoniverse
When: Sun 5:30pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Crystal Ballroom – Hilton
Description: Needcoffee.com gives a critical and fair analysis of everything Doctor Who, including the 50th Anniversary.
Who: Rob, Tuffley, Rox, Widge & a bunch of other peoples.
The Parsec Awards
When: Sun 5:30pm (Length: 2 Hours, 30 minutes)
Location: Regency V – Hyatt
Description: A celebration of speculative fiction podcasting.
Who: Jon will be handing out the first award. Nice.
Orphan Black Fan Discussion
When: Sun 7:00pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106 – M107 – Marriott
Description: Clones? Government Experiments? Building Assassins? Who knows?
Who: Rob, Wolven.
When: Sun 7:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Atlanta Ballroom – Westin
Description: The improvisational panel game that has solved problems for millions worldwide will now solve problems for you live and on stage for the SECOND time!
Who: Aaron Poole, J.J. Hawkins, Jon Boutelle, Rox of Spazhouse & Widge.
Gonzo Quiz Show IV: The Quest for Quiz
When: Sun 8:30 pm (Length: 2 Hours, 30 Minutes)
Location: Regency VI & VII – Hyatt
Description: Everyone from the Gonzoroo concert appears on a panel show.
Who: Aaron.
Monday, September 2nd
Inside the Actor’s Gaffe with Peter Davison
When: Mon 10:00 am (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Grand Ballroom A-F – Sheraton
Description: An analysis of the Fifth Doctor’s career, from All Creatures to HHGTG to DW to Law and Order UK, and more.
Who: Rob.
The Worlds of Terry Pratchett
When: Mon 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: A fan discussion of the man himself.
Who: Rox.
Shows to Watch As a Family
When: Mon 1:00 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: A whole family discussion on shows to watch together.
Who: Jon, Kidlet & Leigh.
Doctor Who 2014 and Beyond
When: Mon 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: A601-A602 – Marriott
Description: A chat on the future of Doctor Who, the announcement of Matt Smith’s finale, and theories/rumors about Doctor Who’s future.
Who: Rob.
Make the Bad Men Stop 2: The Voyage Home
When: Mon 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: M106-107 – Marriott
Description: We have Pop Culture Doom to spare, so grab a takeaway carton and cry on your way home. That’s right: cry. Cry, dammit.
Who: Whoever’s still alive.
How to Be an SF Scholar
When: Mon 2:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Embassy A-B – Hyatt
Who: Wolven.
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
When: Mon 5:30 pm (Length: 1 Hour)
Location: Macon – Sheraton
Description: We wrap up 2013 with some feedback, panelist comments, and the usual shenanigans.
Who: Rob.
I know you’re busy under the crush of the Con, and it will take a while to respond, but I’ll leave this here for when you have time to get to it:
Will any of these panels be recorded and released later in Podcast format? I would love to be at quite a few of these, but I’m not even in attendance at Dragon*Con, so I’m out on that score.
I’d love to hear some of them, if that can be done, and if not, I totally understand. Hope everything goes well at the con, and I look forward to the Live Weekend Justice.
Hey EMC: thanks for the ping. Some of the panels were indeed recorded for posterity. Stand by for that.