Widge here. Yes, it’s late but I’ve been sick as hell and even though Monday is gone where I am, dammit, we still need music. So, you know what? It’s time to make the donuts. More music picks for your Monday whenever. Rob’s leading the charge because I’m hopped up on meds. More than usual, I mean. If you like what you hear, use the links provided to snag it for yourself from Amazon. Doing so through us gives us kickbacks, and those help pay for stuff like more bandwidth. And also so we can buy more music.
First up, Rob throws down with the excellent Pogues in Paris. He says, “A great 2CD or DVD or Blu-Ray set featuring a Pogues concert from 2012. A great liner booklet is also included.” I’ve included “If I Should Fall From Grace With God” below for your dancing and dining pleasure. It’s available in umpteen different formats–and a CD/DVD limited edition combo is available, but that’s Amazon UK, just FYI. Your cheapest bet is the MP3 bundle of both CDs for less than $10. (Amazon: Blu-Ray; CD; DVD; MP3; Vinyl. Amazon UK: CD/DVD Combo.)
Rob also brings you Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Their new album, Push the Sky Away, is due out next month. As he says, “A hugely anticipated return!” Indeed. This vid for “Jubilee Street”–normally, I don’t do lyrics videos, but this look to be the edited lyrics, so that’s niftier than most. (Amazon: CD; CD/DVD Limited Edition; Vinyl.)
I can’t remember if it was Tuffley or Rob who initially mentioned this track…but I made a note to come back to it in Spotify. And before I could, it surfaced on my iPod. It’s A.C. Newman and “Encyclopedia of Classic Takedowns” from his album Shut Down the Streets. And when it appeared on my iPod, I thought, “Man, that sounds like the guy from The New Pornographers.” Go figure. (It is.) (Amazon: CD/MP3; MP3; Vinyl.)
And Rob also throws your way The John Baker Tapes: “Two collections of Baker’s BBC Radiophonic. The first features BBC Radiophonics, rare and unreleased workshop recordings spanning the years 1963-74. The latter covers soundtracks, library/home recordings and electro adverts from 1963-1975. Overall it is some pretty wacked out stuff. When you think about it, Baker and the Radiophonic Workshop was a group of mad geniuses who pushed the boundaries of sound.” I’ve snagged “Electro Aggression” for you. And yes, it’s slightly mental…but remember, after the Workshop was created in 1958, they immediately launched into making sounds for The Goon Show. So. Oddly, Volume 1 appears to be only available on MP3 and Volume 2 only on CD. Go figure.
Rob also gives you The Jack Rubies and their album, Fascinatin’ Vacation. He says, “An auspicious debut from 1988. filled with Spanish tinged guitar sounds and jangly melodies.” For your amusement, I’ve snagged their cover of America’s “Horse With No Name.” It’s nice and solid. But sadly, it’s still available, but out of print. (Amazon: CD; Vinyl.)
And lastly, I have for you Foxygen, and the opening track from their latest album, We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors Of Peace & Magic, “In the Darkness.” The album is being released today. What timing. (Amazon: CD; MP3; Vinyl.)