Don’t get me wrong–I love finding a nice message on the inside of my chocolate wrapper, or a positive aphorism on the label of an herbal tea when I’m taking a break and seeking a bit of relaxation in my day. And everyone loves finding out what’s inside a fortune cookie at the end of their Chinese take-out meal. So why do I get so annoyed by these other little inspirational tidbits? Perhaps it’s just because they seem to suggest the opposite of how I’m feeling when I use these products. For a cough drop, how about, “Sorry you’re feeling crappy. Perhaps a nice cup of tea would help,” or perhaps “Coughing is no fun. Try to be patient–your immune system is working as hard as it can.” Or for the feminine hygiene product, “Take a deep breath” or “Have a piece of chocolate–you deserve it.” One of my co-workers suggested the very apt “Try not to kill anyone today.” A bit of sympathy and useful advice for these not-feeling-our-best products would go much further to make me actually read your packaging rather than random pep talk messages they’re spewing out now.

So what weird packaging messages have you guys found out there?
Images from My Scanned Cough Drop Wrapper, The Period Blog, & Playtex