First up, it’s Cyber Monday and the holiday shopping season is upon us. As always, we ask you this year more than ever: do us a huge favor. If you’re going to buy stuff from Amazon, then use this link: https://www.needcoffee.com/amazon. It takes you to the Amazon front page and you proceed like nothing is different, except that we get kickbacks. You Across the Pond Types can help out as well: https://www.needcoffee.com/amazonuk. It’s an easy, quick way to help support the site for those of you who can’t make an ongoing donation. A lot of you use the links, for which we are grateful. But if every constant reader we have visit us went to Amazon via those links…well, I would still have two kidneys. Thanks in advance.
P.S. Their Cyber Monday Deals Week is underway, with tons of DVDs and Blu-Rays discounted for this week. Check it out here.
I share this trailer with you partly because it’s an excellent trailer–and for the first seven or eight seconds, it sort of looks like The Four Hour Serial Killer.
Update: The sale’s been extended to 11:59PM tomorrow (as I write this, that’s 11/28).
Somebody upsized their order of intensity. Je-sus.