Day 7, it is traditional to lead off with a bit from excellent TV anthology series. After the demise of The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling returned to television in 1969 with Night Gallery, which debuted with three separate stories in a TV movie. Like most series of this kind, I’m sure different people have different favorites–but for me, the opening salvo, “The Cemetery,” has always stuck with me. Maybe it’s the painting itself that featured both in the intro and the story. (Why nobody’s ever offered widely available officially licensed prints of the paintings in the series, I have no idea.)
Regardless, here it is in all its creepiness. Enjoy.
Universal released all three seasons on DVD. The first season contains the pilot movie.
If you want to check out some more–it being a Saturday and all–we’ve also sampled Boris Karloff in Thriller, One Step Beyond, the revival of Twilight Zone and “To Serve Man” from the original series.
Excellent episode. I have all three seasons on DVD, but “The Cemetery” is my favorite.