Welcome back for another round of Kickstarter Kthursday. There are scads of cool things on Kickstarter that need crowdfunding help to exist, and here’s a few that have caught my eye over the past week. If you’re confused about the name, then consider the “K” silent. Or something.
First we’re going to look at DEVOBOTS, an app that lets you create Devo sounds and Devo virtual robots. Apparently they’ve been given official access to the Devo archives, unused sounds and whatnot. Also, the app will let you add on additional sounds and stuff even after it’s launched. And if you make a robot that’s badass enough, you can have the Kit Robot people turn it into a vinyl figure for you. Nice. The video shows up after the break:
You can find their project on Kickstarter here.
Next, in the world of comics (and SCIENCE!) the radio show To the Best of Our Knowledge is creating a comic book that explores the science of consciousness. The project is called, go figure, Meet Your Mind: The Science of Consciousness. Their notion is to use the comic medium to tackle the mad question of the brain and how it works. And the art reminds me of Winsor McCay for some reason. Anyway, here’s the video:
You can find that project here.
And last but not least, I do enjoy this notion: The Wireless Generation as a documentary, exploring people who unhook from the office and not just work from home, but unhook from what people traditionally think of as home. Speaking as somebody who now works from home and wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of the world, I am very intrigued by this idea. It’s a lot of the notion that Tim Ferriss covers in his Four Hour Work Week book as well. Video case studies, if you will. Speaking of videos…
And that project can be found here.