The highlights of scads of pop culture news, put through a strainer and placed in a single post to save wear and tear on your mind and productivity. Enjoy.

This will either be immense or the most inadvertently hilarious film in recent memory. Source. Art Source.
That narration sums up the character perfectly. Shame the costume looks like ass. Sorry, but it does.
Have you read the book “Cloud Atlas”? I don’t know if there’s an audiobook, but you should check it out. The trailer doesn’t describe exactly what the book is like, which puts it at odds, because it does describe the book rather well. In a nutshell, it’s six novellas that are loosely tied together, and told in two parts throughout the book. They happen in chronological order, spanning from the 18th or 19th century, to a post-apocalyptic future. It’s really quite good. I enjoyed it, and I think that the author, David Mitchell, is at his best when writing these kinds of stories. The other collection of stories he’s penned, “Ghostwritten,” is even better.
I didn’t know this was going to be a movie, and I’m actually kind of excited to see it. I recommend the book, (the audiobook can, in fact, be found at Audible), and I even more highly recommend “Ghostwritten,” which only seems to have an abridged audiobook, which I don’t think I could recommend.
I think, based on the trailer, that it will be a fairly faithful telling of the “Story” of Cloud Atlas, and I think it’ll be good.
EMC: Thanks for the info…I have not read it and I’m wondering that thing we confront with every film: read the book first or see the film first and read after? It looks utterly mental…and while the Wachowskis give me pause, the fact Twyker’s directing I find fascinating. RUN LOLA RUN is an underviewed gem, and I can see where their collective sort of visions could mesh well for a film like this. I will check out the audiobook one way or another.