It’s National Doughnut Day. And…well, we weren’t paying attention so we didn’t actually plan for today to have a Weekend Justice infused with donutty goodness or even this video, which was going up today anyway. As my uncle always used to say: sometimes it’s better to be lucky than pinned under a fallen girder.
Anyway, what happens when we get a new chapter in my futile Atlanta-based explorations of the Portland-based doughnut kinds, Voodoo Doughnut? You shall soon see. Plus an added wrinkle thanks to our friend Shag.
Previous chapters in this sage have included the Maple Bacon Bar and the Bacon Maple Donut Ale.
yeah…Shag said they were Ta-Ta’s. Muh-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
I’ll miss you when you’re gone. Haha. Definitely not a sentiment that was repeated in a recent taste test.