Shag is one of the The Unique Geeks, the cadre of guys who brought you Jon, Serv and also Arbor Day. (That’s Shag on the right.) He runs a fansite for Firestorm, The Nuclear Man. And I realize some of you may say, “Firestorm? What?” And I say to you, “Back off, man. Firestorm was totally badass.” Any young male worth a damn loved Firestorm not because he could alter matter, not because he had a scientist riding shotgun inside his mind but because he could light his head on fire with no serious downside to doing so. And any young male growing up when we did wanted to do that, whether they ever realized this or not.
… What was I saying?
Oh, right. He and a legion of other fansites decided to create an Animated Anthem Day Crossover, in which the theme music/opening credits for various and sundry animated shows were posted all over the place. Check out retrotastic stuff like the intro to The Atom (which will give you a seizure) and Aquaman (which actually makes riding an angry seahorse look badass). Also, not content to stick with actual shows, some sites actually found or created fan intros, like for Booster Gold or Supergirl.
Check out Firestorm Fan to springboard into the madness. Tell them we said hi.
Wow! My thanks to Widge for the shout-out! You’re a true gentleman, sir!
In your honor, I’m lighting my hair on fire right nowwww…wwwww…aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh….shiiiiiiiitttttt…
Should’ve consulted the Prof, man.
Not to worry, Florida’s capital city has a reasonably respectable burn unit. Shag has at least a 32% chance for a marginal recovery.