The holiday YouTube channel so often we’ve just turned over an entire day of 13 Days of Xmas to it. It cannot be denied: XmasFlix rocks.
Here are two bits worth sharing: first, an episode of the show Mr. Piper. Never heard of this before, but according to Wikipedia (always right), it was a 1963 Canadian show for kids starring an opera tenor as the Pied Piper. And holy crap, but the theme music along (with him singing, natch) is worth the price of admission.
Then following that, we’ve got “Howdy Doody Christmas” from 1957. Sidebar: Is it just me, or is Clarabell the Clown utterly terrifying? And on one hand, the fact that he’s got a box around his neck with his name on it–that’s weird. But come to think of it, there’s not much difference between that and the lanyard a lot of you are wearing with your picture ID on it at your day job. Just saying.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
For more awesomeness from XmasFlix, check them out here. I’m sure we’ll revisit them before the holidays end.
Last year we went to them for “The Snow Man” and “Frisky Frolics.” Then in 2009, it was “A Visit From Santa Claus” and “The Insects’ Christmas.” Before that, a pair of slightly disturbing holiday videos. And Year One, we had a round-up of various versions of “White Christmas.”