Our bookended panels for DragonCon–our annual Make the Bad Men Stop madness for the X-Track–which began with this post, now ends with this one. It’s the last day of Con, so we were very happy to be A) in a room jam packed with an audience ready to party and 2) they were as loopy as we were. Thanks to Jon and Tuffley (both of them recorded this mayhem).
For some reason, we are not all mic’ed very well. I thought we had more mics on the tables. Maybe I hallucinated them.
To download this panel recording directly, DragonCon 2011: Make the Bad Men Stop II, then do that thing.
BTW, you iTunes subscriber types can nab this feed here. If you like us, why not rate us? We don’t bite. Mostly. Or if you want to do something else with it, the feed feed for all our podcasts is here.
That’s… Strange. I remember seeing microphones for everyone.
I know…in the pic there’s four on the table, they just must not have been on or something.
Din was refusing to speak into hers. Flat out refusing.
That is true. She is allergic.
P.S.: http://havetheyremadebacktothefutureyet.com/
HA! Brilliant
Is there video of Widge’s reaction to the demonic sing-a-ma-jig? Please let there be video.
Isaac: You are an evil bastard. I respect that.
There were 4 mics on the table. :) It might also be that 2-3 of us are good at projecting (says the woman who was squeaking by the end of four days of D*C).
Aaron and Jon said you squeak more often than that.
Wait, did I say that out loud?
Issac, there are pictures on the NC Facebook page somewhere. It was awesome to see the look of terror. And to make sure that he learns to love them, his Hellpuppy got one of her own to play with.
It has not left her box of toys.