So apparently Target and Ben and Jerry’s have teamed up for four exclusive flavors, only for sale at Target stores. If you are not anywhere near a Target and do not have access to these flavors, you may feel free to start hating yourself now. We snagged two of the flavors in mini-cup form. And really, while a pint of these would be awesome–these flavors should be considered dangerous and the mini-cups are your safest bet.
First up we have Berry Voluntary (these flavors all have a volunteering theme going on, so don’t be bewildered to excess). It describes itself as “raspberry cheesecake ice cream with white chocolate chips and raspberry swirls.” And that’s pretty much dead on what it is and what it tastes like, which is why trying to pad this review would be pointless (and partly why I’m reviewing both at once). It positively nails the cheesecake flavor, something they have some experience with. When we lifted the lid, some of the ice cream was stuck to it, so pulling it off just revealed the long raspberry swirl. Like the damn thing was showing off or something. I would have taken a picture but it just needed to be eaten. Immediately. All of it tastes so damn good just on its own that the white chocolate is almost an excessive afterthought. However, they’re there and little nuggets of joy when you run across them. And like Lord Fanny always said: nothing exceeds like excess.
[ad#longpost]Then you have Volun-Tiramisu. You can pretty much guess where this one is going but here’s the details so we can say we said them: “Coffee mascarpone ice cream with cocoa dusted coffee rum lady finger pieces.” And it is ridiculously delicious. It is for those among us who think that a proper tiramisu isn’t decadent enough. No, let’s add even more craploads of cream to the proceedings. And they do. And because of the mascarpone, it doesn’t have a full-on flat-out coffee flavor, but you are entertained with sweetness while awaiting the chocolate and cake sensations to hit you.
Both of these are exquisitely smooth. Even with white chocolate bits in one, they feel like they’re going to melt in your mouth but you just crunch them anyway, to have it done. Because these are exclusive potentially limited edition flavors I would grab them while you can. They are probably the best executed Ben and Jerry’s flavors I have tasted in some time and are not to be missed.