The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City is an awesome location. The largest cathedral in the world (and yet still unfinished), it’s sort of hard to describe unless you’ve been there. There’s something amazing about really full-on bigass cathedrals. We don’t get them a lot here in the southeastern United States. So when you walk into one in New York City, there’s a great deal of wow factor involved. Some cathedrals are more wow than others, if you catch my drift, and I would put St. John the Divine towards the higher end of the spectrum.
If the space itself wasn’t cool enough–they do performance material like this: Frank Lee’s The Procession of the Ghouls. This is how 32 Days of Halloween works sometimes. You go looking for one thing…you find something even cooler you didn’t know existed. Granted, New York denizens may be well used to this. But it was news for Cosette, who in trying to find a Halloween SNL Landshark sketch (she found it, but the sound sync was atrocious), instead ran across Landshark creator Frank Lee and this project. Basically taking what started as a Halloween parade and making it into a cavalcade of puppets and costumes that cavort through the Cathedral. Watch this vid, and think to yourself, “How could this get any cooler?” Answer: a screening of the 1925 Phantom of the Opera follows it.
New York, you have our envy.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
If you want to go to the actual event, it’s coming up with two performances on Friday the 28th. Find out more info here. Just tell us how it went, would you?
Previously kicking off Day 17 were Kurt Russell and the Osmonds at the Haunted Mansion (no, really), my walkthrough of the Poe House, when Milton Berle met Dracula, and first thing we did was to check out the trailer for the original Alien.