Day 14 of 32 Days of Halloween is normally for TV specials, sort of like Day 13 and yet totally different. I had found one version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that I considered posting, but instead remembered that Rox uncovered one that is interesting for several reasons.
One, it’s not actually a special but an episode of the show Climax!, which was live television (kids, ask your parents). Two, it was adapted by Gore Vidal and is very unique in its structure–just watch the opening scene and you’ll be very confused for a few moments until it becomes clear what they’ve done. Three, the lead is played by Michael Rennie of The Day The Earth Stood Still fame. Four, Lowell Gilmore also kicks much ass. Five, this has all the ads intact, which are fascinating. And six, Rox points out this show has 100% of your RDA of Cedric Hardwicke. Enjoy.