Tradition means two things. One, don’t fall off the roof. And two, Movie Night #6 is reserved for the films of Mr. Vincent Price. We’ll run through the bits of his filmography we’ve touched upon in a moment. But here we’re back with him and his partner in crime, Roger Corman, as they bring another Edgar Allan Poe story to the big screen. It’s The Pit and the Pendulum, and we’d previously given you just the trailer.
Richard Matheson was the scribe on the pic and if you’ve had any experience with Corman and the American International Poe films, you’ll know that if you go into them as a Poe purist you’ll want to poke your eyes out with a spork. Because you might think that a film true to the short story would be a nice, experimental short film–you can anticipate that a bigass feature film will take what it wants and jettison the rest. You’re right.
Of course, as part of the bargain you get mad colors, glorious camp and Price being…well, Price. Which is to say: fantastic. So check your EAP badge at the door and enjoy.
Other Price films we’ve featured in the past are The Tingler, Shock, The Last Man on Earth, and The House on Haunted Hill.