Did you honestly believe us last year when we called the fourth year of 32 Days of Halloween “The Final Chapter”? Have you learned nothing from movie sequels? Of course you have. You were expecting this because you are knowledgeable about such things. You are not surprised in the least when I tell you it is Time Once More. October, driven by the engine that is Halloween, cannot be satisfied with a mere thirty-one days of awesomeness. It bursts forth from its casements and snags the last day of September for its own. Thus we embark upon 32 Days of Halloween V: A New Beginning.
This makes the fifth year we’ve done this. We obviously need to fire our therapist.
But regardless, we’re back…and because we tend to alternate between Disney and Warner Brothers to kick things off, we’re going to give you first the classic Disney bit “The Skeleton Dance,” which we posted before back in the halcyon pre-32 Days days. Then a film that might look a little similar: Ub Iwerks went on to remake/revamp/redo the film (a bit) at Columbia to create “Skeleton Frolic.” You can find them both below.
For an interesting look at some comparisons between the two, check out this article at Uncle John’s Crazy Town.
And remember, if you crave more Halloween, we have four years of archives of this stuff. We’ll generally link back to what we were doing around this time in previous years. Like here: with Mickey’s Haunted House and Runaway Brain on the Disney side. And on the Warner Brothers side, Hair-Raising Hare and Bewitched Bunny.
Hope you survive the experience!
I’m telling you Widge you will love Skulduggery Pleasant, they released a parody of this online a while back of the main character dancing about.