It’s Weekend Justice: the Internet’s #1 audio trainwreck. It’s the podcast that will bum rush you, but only in the classical sense. This podcast was engineered–some might say over-engineered–by experts to escort you from the work week in the most chaotic manner possible. Please note: this podcast is profane, definitely oversexed and definitely overwrought. It is wrong and unsafe. You have been warned.

Headsup: There’s new Weekend Justice gear as well in the Zazzle store. (Recommendations will be updated in a bit. Fear not.)
Thanks to Jon from The Unique Geek for helping us sound good.
If you want to send something to Weekend Justice–like some research material–address packages to NEEDCOFFEE.COM WEEKEND JUSTICE, 4480-H South Cobb Drive, PMB 394, Smyrna GA USA 30080. But hurry, because you only have until October.
As always, special thanks go out to Clutch for letting us use their absolutely badass song, “Promoter (of earthbound causes)” as our theme music for this.
Buy Blast Tyrant, which is where you can find “Promoter”. Buy their latest album, Strange Cousins from the West. Send them love and coin.
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To download this episode directly, Your Weekend Justice #130: “Research”, then do that thing. For the previous episode, click here.
Widge, did you get my e-mail with the picture of Leigh on the grassy knoll and on Apollo 11?
I’m not going to get into the Buffet debate but there’s a lot more to it than that.
I did but then Oliver Stone confiscated them.
We’re a podcast fueled by alcohol and sex, there’s more to *everything* than what we cover.
The fact the top 2% gets ridicolous ammounts of tax cuts while the rest of us have to take the responsibility? But this is getting politic so I’ll stop.
Good call. We have to be responsible, after all. :-)
This episode may have the greatest coda ever. I’ll admit it; I laughed at your pain Widge.
Something we else we share in common, my friend.
Don’t forget Weekend Justice in zombie apocalypse folks: To be countinued soon! Also expect Irish Magneto to show up in Potatoe: A tale of Irish Love part 2! Also coming soon!
Widge: That statement could be interpreted many ways. I choose to accept all of them.
By the way I have revised and expanded my Doctor Who theory.
Widge: The entire linchpin of the series are 3 questions which I’m pretty sure I know:
1. Who is Madame Kovarian? I have two candidates one more likely than the other.
2. Who does River Song kill? This is an easy one.
2. What is the Question? I’m almost 100% certain with my answere to this it’s: who?
And we never did find out where all the flowers have gone, come to think of it.
People I want to see in the suit who are not River Song:
10) Jackson Lake (“The Next Doctor”)
9) The Brigadier
8) Wilfred (because I don’t think he would ever shoot the Doctor and I would love to know why)
7) Ace
6) Barbara Wright
5) Rose’s Mother or Father
4) The Mysterious Timelady
3) Captain Jack
2) David Tennant
1) Sylvester McCoy
Having had the pleasure of meeting the guy, I want to see McCoy in practically anything. Watching him do comedy was very informative, I must say.
As we discussed, you could throw various people in the suit for just a head-fake…but I think that would cause more trouble than it’s worth. I’m thinking it’s one of our four “regular” cast members (by which I mean also River). That being said, if it’s River at this point it’s almost too obvious. Amy and Rory as well. So I think the person in the suit is…the Doctor himself. Because if you think about it, if he knows something is going to happen, he’s great at planning–when it’s somebody he cares about. We’ve already seen this with him giving River a screwdriver prior to The Library. And I think a nice way to do what they’re talking about for next series–taking him off Earth and doing standalone episodes–would be his way of getting his head on straight following all of this madness that he (probably did) bring upon himself.
That is my theory at the moment, subject to change without sense. Thanks for the comment, Carmel.
The real key to it all is not who is in the astronaut suit because it’s not River (and I’ll get to that later). The entire season is not built upon the Silence, or the Church, or Madame Kovarian (but its close). The entire season hinges upon those three working together to get rid of the Doctor. Mostly Madame Kovarian. Why does she hate the Doctor so much? Her name is apparently an anagram that indicates her as the Rani but she is not. I have narrowed it down to two equally ridiculous candidates.
1. Madame Kovarian is a rogue Ganger of River Song whom survived long after Song’s death and for some unknown reason wishes to kill the Doctor. Evidence:
• River has history with the Church (Kovarian’s minions) whom she encountered in Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone.
• River has a history with Dorium Maldovar (“I’m old, I’m fat, I’m blue!â€) whom Kovarian contacted in A Good Man Goes to War.
• Amy and Melody Pond’s ganger was able to stay in human form for very long periods of time with zero effort because they were more “advanced versionsâ€. Could this be the version of the Flesh that Kovarian uses?
2. The “good man†that River is going to kill? Rory. And Amy (consumed with grief and probably in possession of a vortex manipulator) blames the Doctor and sets out to kill him. She becomes Madame Kovarian and joins with the Church whom she also has history with.
I’m leaning more towards the later but the first one is definitely a possibility. However, with almost zero uncertainty I can say that River Song kills Rory. Let’s examine the evidence:
1. In A Good Man Goes to War at no point is it stated that the Doctor is the good man in question. In fact the Doctor truly does not go to war. But the Lone Centurion sure does.
2. River song has never once stated that she kills the Doctor. And frankly after Closing Time it would just be too obvious.
Who is in the astronaut suit? That is a good question but I’m going to caution a guess and say (considering next year’s 50th anniversary) it is either a past or future Doctor. Why would the Doctor do it? Well in A Good Man Goes to War, God Complex, and Closing Time the Doctor learned that he is just too involved in the lives of his companions an d too well known in the universe. The fact that the Church knew how to get to the Doctor is wrong. Moffat loves the classic series and in the classic series the Doctor was not the known entity he is now. He was a mysterious entity that showed up saved the day and vanished.
But all of that are just cherries on top of the real reason the Doctor “kills himself†i.e. fakes his death. Yes, he does want to be an unknown entity again and all that but what really happens is that: He finds out what the oldest question in the universe is. The question that makes the silence fall. A question that he cannot allow to be answered. And that question is: who?
Dan: We are in complete and total agreement about who the Good Man is.