The trouble with Twitter is that sometimes you can read updates from the gajillion people you follow or you can get stuff done…and you have to pick one or the other. Thus I just found out today that your friend and mine, David Murray, head burrito of SEIBEI and creator of many awesome things (not limited to the Intramural Zombie Hunter League, which we’ve pushed on here a time or two) had his van plus about $9K worth of merch stolen from a show he was doing in Los Angeles. This is the sort of thing that craters a small business. In fact, a few short years ago, it probably would have. However, with the advent of Kickstarter, David was able to take his situation to the streets and plan the rebuilding of his business with the help of his fans.
He’s already passed his goal, but the reason to get on board anyway is twofold. First, obviously, you can help a talented guy out when he needs it and make more mad shirts and other things possible. Second, he is offering a slew of cool sponsor gifts, including some Kickstarter-exclusives. So the video for his setup is below the break and you can click through here to find out more and pledge.
And of course, the regular SEIBEI shop and site is available here.