I know that German Chocolate Cake (much like Red Velvet and other types of cake) is not a favorite with everyone, but I love it. I love chocolate. I love coconut (thanks for the “I like coconut” gene, Mom!). I even love whatever it is that makes sugar and evaporated milk turn into that crazy caramelly goodness in the frosting. A lot. So when Widge turned his nose up at the idea of ice cream with coconut in it–his loss, I felt that I had to step in and take one for the team. And so Fair Goodness Cake ice cream entered my life.
The folks at Ben & Jerry’s describe this ice cream as “Chocolate Ice Cream with German Chocolate Cake Pieces and a Coconut-Caramel Swirl.” It also gets its name from the fact that it contains Fair Trade cocoa, coconut, and vanilla, which is pretty cool.
The sensation you get in the first bite is chocolate. Not just the hint of chocolate like some German Chocolate cake recipes settle for, but a proper, full-on chocolate ice cream taste. And as you’re marveling at how nice and chocolatey it is, the coconut kicks in. This isn’t just coconut flavor, mind you: it’s actual coconut shreds in the ice cream. It’s not subtle, so if you’re one of those people who thinks that a tiny bit of coconut flavor might not be too bad, but you really don’t like coconut, you’re going to be disappointed. However, if you’re like me and love the stuff, you’re in luck– this delivers.
[ad#longpost]Finally, there’s the caramel swirl bit that acts like the creamy frosting on top of your German chocolate cake. With more coconut. A wonderful addition. It’s swirled through so you never know when you’re going to get a nice ribbon of it. And the cake bits, you ask? The German Chocolate cake pieces are a bit buttery with a smidgen more coconut in them, and are the least necessary (in my opinion) of the flavors offered. Was I offended by their presence? No. Were they essential to the taste? Probably not. They don’t detract from or add to the overall tastiness–they’re just sort of hanging along for the ride.
The textures are all great together (again, if you like the texture of coconut), and like many other Ben & Jerry’s flavors, you have to dig to get a whole piece of the cake bits, which can be fun if your ice cream has been allowed to soften a little, or not-so-fun chasing-bits-you-catapulted-out-of-the-pint-with-a-spoon if you try to eat it straight out of the freezer. It’s rather rich as well– even if you think you can down the whole pint in one go, you may have to split it up a bit after that combo of deep chocolate, coconut, and caramel really hits you.
Overall, this was some really tasty ice cream. So tasty, in fact, that I felt the need to chow down on 2/3 of the container just to “fully taste it” for this review. Yeah, right. I can hear that last 1/3 of a pint calling to me from the kitchen now, in fact–excuse me while I go get a spoon.
I support your right to love coconut, Cosette! I, too, love it!
Please tell me where I can get this icecream near me.
Etta: I would go to the Ben & Jerry’s site and use their flavor locator. I don’t know if this flavor is still even made, honestly. Good luck.