So for those of you spending your weekend looking for something to do…remember there’s still Thrift Store Battle. We’ve gotten a few choice entries already. And some of them are positively terrifying. The one I’m sharing with you above (since people have asked for additional examples) is from Heather C. and while that detail is the one that has the TSB sign on it…there’s another pic that shows the entire couch. I have not shared that for your own sanity’s sake. The yellow just…continues. It is a formidable entry and we say well done.
But there’s plenty of insane items out there to be found. Yard sales, thrift stores, consignment shops…go forth and find your entry. Win a mystery box of prizes!
Also, we heard from some of you that you don’t have Twitter and thus can’t use the tweeting/hashtagging it #ThriftStoreBattle to enter. So send your links via email to thriftstorebattle at need coffee dot com and we’ll accept them that way as well. More insane entries! Bring them! And find all the details from the original post so you too can join in.