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I’m glad to see that Pixar has nothing to do with “Planes”.
Issac: You know, I’ve thought about that: I wish they did, because then it could be guaranteed some level of quality. That being said, since Pixar is basically running Disney now, they will have something to do with it. I think what we’ll see is that the direct to video titles start to suck less than they did in the past. But if having some franchises that make money gives them the leeway to go make quality films on the other side of the house, you know, I think I can live with that.
I hear you there. I don’t know what to think about Dead Island. It seems to me like the trailer tries too hard to yank at the heartstrings. I’m just wondering if the game-play will invoke that, or if it’ll be Left 4 Dead meets Oblivion. …I’ve realized I’m talking to the wrong person here.
Update on the Dead Island movie rights (not yet sold): http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/19/dead-island-movie-rights/
Ah, good catch. At least they’re smart in realizing that they’ve struck a chord and don’t want to arse it up. Releasing a bad movie after a good game could sour their plans for the game’s sequel.