In lieu of a Music Monday, we’re instead going into the mayhem of 13 Days of Xmas with some terrifying selections. Sure we’ve posted some strange holiday music before, but now it’s serious.
So you should gird up your loins, then gird up the loins of the person next to you, then post bail after your arrest, then come back and listen.
You’re not hallucinating. It’s the Village People doing a medley of Christmasized versions of their hits. Update: Alas, it’s been taken down…surprising that it’s not been replaced somewhere else. If anyone finds it, please let me know.
And here’s something special…Jon Bon Jovi talks about his first professional release:
Direct link for the feedreaders.
And after that bit of hard-hitting journalism, here is this:
Direct link for the feedreaders.
And lastly, please feel free to blame Rob for this: the Crypt-Keeper, John Kassir, raps. I’m so sorry.