Each week we try to start you off right–or wrong–or some nebulous place in-between. Because we feel you shouldn’t go into your work week without an inoculation of either awesome or pure unadulterated WTF.
This video is a lovely blend of both: it starts off with a gentleman in Belgium who’s decided to busk and rock the faces off of the passers-by and could have been just amusing…but as the crowd starts to get into it, it veers into awesome territory.
This vid was brought to my attention by Dom, who prescribed it as a cure for the blues. He was right, of course.
I cannot fully express how awesome this is. Wow.
I actually like to believe, that that guy is Santa Claus.
Did you know that the members of the Rolling Stones were being considered as the cast for A Clockwork Orange? You probably did.
I did not know that. I award you 2 virtual Skeeball tickets for sharing said knowledge. At 600,000, you can trade them in for a virtual spider-ring. Thanks for the comment.