That’s right, it’s High Weirdness galore with Ancient Aliens from The History Channel. Wait, let me make sure I read that right. Yes, it says The History Channel. Here’s what they have to say for themselves:
Produced with the exclusive cooperation of von Daniken himself, ANCIENT ALIENS: THE COMPLETE SEASON ONE launches all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate this evidence, with a concentration on discoveries of the last 30 years, including unusual DNA findings on man’s evolution and newly decoded artifacts from Egypt to Syria to South America. It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.
Here’s something else that some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored: I cannot find a t-shirt from Erich von Daniken’s failed Mystery Park anywhere. Seriously, somebody hook me up. Shoulda bought one when I had the chance.
Where was I? Oh yes. We have a copy to give away. Want to win it? Enter using the form below. Remember you can enter once a day. If we draw your name when the contest ends, you snag it. Good luck!
Contest is closed! Thanks for playing.
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