That’s right: the only thing worse than a bad sequel is a sequel to a bad sequel. And so we have another round-up of really terrible sequels and their trailers.
First up, we have 1983’s Amityville 3D. Which just shows that 3D is nothing new…it comes in waves. And you can wave goodbye to the series, as well, since this is a “non-sequel” sequel.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
No, that’s okay. It gets worse. Did you know there was a direct to video sequel (the last one before the remake of the original): Amityville Dollhouse. It’s exactly what you’re thinking:
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Amityville 3-D is available on DVD from Amazon. So is Dollhouse.
Food of the Gods is a fun giant animals attack movie with Marjoe Gortner. But then, of course, there was the sequel, Gnaw, which gave the growth serum to humans. And spoilers aside, there is a really terrible dream/growth sex scene. Ew.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Gnaw is available on DVD from Amazon. If you must.
And last but definitely least: these three trailers gave you something to look at. Something that tied things back to their predecessors even if you knew the end result was going to be shite. But this…this is the trailer for Poltergeist III:
Direct link for the feedreaders.
What did you take away from that trailer? If you hadn’t seen the logo, it would have been: “Tom Skeritt’s in a Batman movie?” Seriously.
Poltergeist III is available as a double feature with the second film on DVD from Amazon.
Our first round of bad sequel trailers was last year. We were looking at some Universal Monsters sequel trailers the year before that and some general Universal sequel trailers in Year One.