Well, after checking out the remake of this film–the 1959 version of The Bat–last year, it only made sense to back up, way up, and check out the original film from 1926. A couple of notes:
First of all, this is the film that inspired Bob Kane to create Batman. So it’s got that going for it.
Secondly, this is truly a silent film. Whereas a lot of silent films usually have music or some sort of score slapped on them (and were supposed to have live accompaniment when on their original theatrical runs), this one has nothing. So bear that in mind while watching. Should be a good exercise.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
This is available on DVD from Amazon.
Previously, in 2008, we were watching the 1928 version of The Fall of the House of Usher. And in Year One, we were watching the original Dr. Caligari.