And we’re back. Please note: this podcast, if you haven’t figured it out, is profane and not safe for consumption by children or animals. Or sentient creatures of any sort. Or even cardboard boxes. Nothing. Nobody. Got it?

- Andre 3000 shops at Whole Foods
- Tuffley’s acrobatics
- Publix nudity
- NipplX
- ScottC vs. Jon
- Welcome to the Laundromat
- Cats vs. laundry
- Prop 8
- Video game mashups
- Everyone vs. The Sound Board
- Anne Rice vs. Christianity
- Cable companies
- Superman denial!
- Jennifer Aniston
- Batman pr0n
- More about Sherlock
- Michael Caine
- The Princess Bride
- Space and Rocket Center
- Pr0n in Zero G
- Falling asleep!
- Words!
- Tuffley is morbid about malls
- Abandoned places
- Discovery Island
- Chernobyl
- The trouble with alleys
- The Blues Brothers Mall
- Queensryche Confessions
- Dead Mall Dedications
- House of Blues, New Orleans
- Beard?
- Jon vs. Windows 7
- Improvements via zombies
- Tuffley, Big Winner
- World Bacon Council
- Hobo Queen update!
- Baconeering!
- Rob, boxer?
- Whormels
- Bacon vs. The Bill
- Rock Lobster!
Headsup: You can find all of our Recommendations at our Amazon Store. And there’s new Weekend Justice gear as well in the Zazzle store.
Thanks to Jon from The Unique Geek for helping us sound good.
If you want to send something to Weekend Justice–say, a baggie for low impact areas–address packages to NEEDCOFFEE.COM WEEKEND JUSTICE, 4480-H South Cobb Drive, PMB 394, Smyrna GA USA 30080.
As always, special thanks go out to Clutch for letting us use their absolutely badass song, “Promoter (of earthbound causes)” as our theme music for this.
Buy Blast Tyrant, which is where you can find “Promoter”. Buy their latest album, Strange Cousins from the West. Send them love and coin.
BTW, you iTunes subscriber types can nab this feed here. If you like us, why not rate us? We don’t bite. Mostly.
Or if you want to do something else with it, the feed feed is here.
To download this episode directly, Weekend Justice #77: Laundry is the Mind Trap, then do that thing. For the previous episode, click here.
I think it was Robot Chicken that did Mario and Luigi going into GTA land :)
If I had known how insane and how insanely great this episode would end up being, I would have sent my GLA file later.
Hooray for drunken Widge!
I was drunk more on the notion of zombies vs. bacon than anything else. Yes, yes, the beer helped. But I’m just saying.
Greatest Weekend Justice ever.
Favorite line:
“… but he has a hand grenade!”
So he does have a hand grenade. Gotta protect the meat.
I’m filing a formal complaint wit the WBC. I have not seen any forward progress towards full-bacon zombie defenses. My taxpayer dollars are not happy.
Isaac: Shush! You fool! The walls have undead ears!
So do the walking dead! You Will Kill Us All!!
You can’t handle the truth!!! Wait…