Muss and Turners is our favorite restaurant in the Atlanta area. We will “find” reasons to eat there. We will often drag out of town people to it–that’s a good reason. And just having a long day–another good reason. That’s why we found ourselves dining their last night.
I often try to look for interesting draft beers. And I spotted this one on their list: “Southern Tier Mokah, CO” The description: “Sweet Imperial Stout with strong elements of coffee & chocolate; flavor notes of vanilla and cognac.” I dig stouts. I dig chocolate. Coffee and I, as you might imagine, go way back. So this seemed like a no-brainer.
But Aaron, our server, who is wise, advised me to try a sample first before I just dove in. And as I said, he was wise. Because this is not a stout you have with a dinner. This is a stout you have for dessert. Seriously. As I told them “strong elements of coffee & chocolate” is understating it. It’s like the answer to the question of “Would you like some beer with your coffee and chocolate?” It was so sweet I don’t think I could manage a whole pint of it. He also snagged me a sample of bleu cheese and I tried it with the beer and that was amazing.
[ad#rightpost]But anyway, the more we thought about how the stout could well be dessert, I had the mad idea to go ahead and incorporate it into desert. Aided and abetted by our server, Aaron, we performed some mad science. Here’s how it works. (And if you can find this beer and don’t live anywhere near Atlanta, don’t feel left out–I’m sure any sugar coma-induced cakey confection will do the trick.)
- 1. Get a white chocolate brownie. Have it heated just enough to get the brownie soft and gooey.
2. Get a sampling of the Southern Tier Mokah. You can see how much I had there in the pic up top. Don’t overdo it. It’s potent.
3. Take your fork and stab some holes in the top of the brownie (also in the pic) so what comes next will be more effective.
4. Poor the stout over the warmed brownie. Eat.
What you get is a really sweet beer-drenched brownie. And if your brownie is as cakey as the Muss and Turners brownies, then it’ll start to suck up the beer remaining in your bowl like a sponge. About halfway through, it started reminding me of some sort of tiramisu from hell or something.

But like all good health-destroying after-dinner morsels, it too had to come to an end. But I recommend the experience. Or a necessary equivalent.

If you have your own ideas for using dessert as an excuse to play in God’s domain, please comment and let us know.