The rumors are true. We are getting closer to some kind of 2 Skinnee Js resurrection. I can feel it. Why do I say this?
Because they’ve revamped and relaunched 2SJ.com, with news, bios, photos and a webstore out the smacked ass.
All twelve official CD releases are now available to download in MP3 or FLAC formats with cover art and liner notes. $.99 a track. Not only that, but there is an array of real CDs, DVDs, sets, shirts, posters and a “Vintage Vault” featuring Merch Out of the Distant Past (insert echo effect). I can personally vouch for the 2 Skinnee playing cards. We used them here at the Technocave just the other night.
As you can imagine, the Vintage Merch is in short supply, so snag them as you can.
Also, there’s a Bootleg of the Month section where you can snag an entire show, a different show per month, for as little or as much as you want to give. Nice. Each concert archive features scans of anything they have left from the show and an audio intro from a member of the band about that show. Also nice.
Go check it out here. Like I said, I think this is another stepping stone to the Second Coming of Skinnee. Let us all keep our fingers crossed.