Because we’ve had so many people wanting to join the Cruellest Month party, here is my offer to you: Day 30 we’ll have our own usual scheduled posting of something poemish. But–we will also throw open the doors to anybody that wants to record something. Can be yours. Can be somebody else’s. We care not. It’s a virtual open mic night at Needcoffee.com in celebration of National Poetry Month. Post something on your site, send me an e-mail to widgett at need coffee dot com with the subject line “Cruellest Month Open Mic”–with a link to the post where you’ve done your thing–and we’ll link out to you. Send it to me by midnight EST on the 29th.
There are two catches. One: you can’t just post the text of a poem. Anybody can do that. You have to either post audio or video. You have to perform it in some form or fashion.
Two: You can’t use the poems found after the jump.