This podcast generally covers music and other transgressions and is co-hosted by Rob Levy, Tuffley and myself. Let us know what you think.
This episode’s central topic is musical festivals. The good, the bad, and the expensive. Within you will find the discussion of the return of Pavement, the death of Alex Chilton, the litigious victory of Pink Floyd, the WTFery of Green Day, the WTFery of Bjork and Michel Gondry, and more.
Headsup: You can find the music we discuss at our Amazon Store.
If you have music you want to bring to our attention, you can send it snail mail to NEEDCOFFEE.COM MUSIC MINISTERS, 4480-H South Cobb Drive, PMB 394, Smyrna GA USA 30080. Or ping me at widgett at need coffee dot com.
To find Tuffley’s Randomizer, go here. And to find Rob Levy at KDHX, go here.
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To download this episode directly, The Sound Board #5: The Festive Episode, then do that thing.