Victor Pratt of Wyoming wins Monty Python: The Other British Invasion
Constance Smith of Utah gets to enjoy Life After People Season 1
Jake Parks of British Columbia departs on Expedition Africa (Blu-Ray)
Jerome Przybylski of South Carolina celebrates the apocalypse with Doomsday 2012
Carrie Monroe of Oklahoma has it all wrapped up with Adult Swim in a Box
Isabelle Wright of Arizona will be out of this world with Farscape: the Complete Series
Jeffrey Levine of New York, Janice Wigglesworth of Alabama, Theresa Clift of Ohio, Darrell W. Robinson of Iowa, and Tarah Petersen of Minnesota win Spread
Jane Meeks of Arkansas will be singing along with Nat King Cole: The Christmas Song on CD
Andrea Bates of Florida, Cameron Black of California, and Micheal Eriacho of Colorado win Robot Chicken Season 4
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