So today has been a day traditionally for commercials. In 2007, we gave you our Top 10 Christmas Commercials. And last year, well, just more commercials.
For this year, we start off this day’s worth of mad advertising with the maddest of them all: the legendary Crazy Eddie. Let’s consider Crazy Eddie for a moment: this was a guy who had regional electronics ads that were so memorable, that I had heard about him years before I ever saw one of these things. Let’s consider something else for a moment: I swear I saw those hybrid rein-pig-deers on an episode of Eleventh Hour…
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This next one was apparently viral last year and all the rage, but hey, new to us equals content gold. So here you go.
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Of course, the sad tragedy of that commercial is shortly thereafter many members of the cast went the same way as did John Cusack in Fat Man and Little Boy.
And why, when I was your age we had to provide our own potato in order to get a Mr. Potato Head!
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Also, am I the only one getting a creepy Body Snatcher vibe off of the line “Try them, you’ll change too?”
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And do you remember those halcyon days when American money was still worth something?
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Fifty cents? Damn, that was a down payment on opening your own franchise in 1975!
And finally, if you can get past all the popups stating just exactly how much is not included in these Suzy Homemaker toys, you can be treated some terrible vintage (and mildly creepy) sexist advertising! Happy holidays!