So yes, we’re giving away the DVD, but why not on Blu-Ray as well? Why not indeed. Remember Stanley and Livingstone? The latter lost in Africa, the former going to go look for him? The concept here is four people try to recreate the journey of Stanley using only the info that Stanley had to use. In other words, no GPS. How do you get a chance to win this? Enter using the form below–and enter once a day–and if we draw your name, you snag it. Good luck!
Contest is closed! Thanks for playing.
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Your contest for Expedition Africa on Blue Ray! did it really end yesterday or is Nov 12 a type that should be December 12…
Does this end on November 12 or December 12?
Terry and Margaret: You’re absolutely right…should have been December. Should be corrected now. Thanks for the headsup.
I need more blu-ray!