Bursting forth from its casements once more, unsatisfied with possessing the month of October alone, Halloween stakes its claim to September 30th as well. That’s right: sequels can kill.
Welcome to 32 Days of Halloween PART III. Out first year out, we started with Mickey. Then last year, it was over to Bugs. Now, back to Mickey, with a 1995 animated short from Disney that’s so good, you’d swear it had come directly from Pixar. Runaway Brain.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
This is available on the Mickey Mouse in Living Color, Vol. 2 Walt Disney Treasures release. It’s out of print, but you can still get it for a good price used at Amazon. Although here’s a tip: if you didn’t do what I told you to and you missed a slew of Walt Disney Treasures releases, then the Disney Store has for pre-order a everything-so-far Walt Disney Treasures boxed set–54 discs for $499.99. That sounds pricey, I know, but some of the out of print ones go for crazy amounts. (And we don’t get kickbacks if you buy that one, but honestly, the discs are so good, I just want you to nab them if that’s your bag. So.)
This year for PART III we’re doing what we’ve done before. With an added wrinkle. And if you’re new to 32 Days, then you can find the past two years’ worth of stuff here.
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