High Moon is the child of David Gallaher and Steve Ellis. I won’t say too terribly much about it since I have a full review coming, but imagine a western story. Now imagine a western story with werewolves. This is where most people would be content to complete the creative process and, frankly, where most of us would be fine with it stopping. Weird westerns have a degree of coolness just by existing. But now imagine that werewolves are just one setting on a rheostat of weird, and as things progress the creative team just slowly twists it up. Now you’re talking Zuda’s High Moon. Which is why I dig it.
To celebrate the kicking off of 32 Days of Halloween PART III, DC Comics and Zuda were kind enough to throw three of the first trade paperbacks at us so we can throw them at you. If you want to win one, then you get a chance by doing thus: enter using the form below. Then come back tomorrow and do it again. Rinse and repeat until the contest ends. Then if we draw your name, you win. Good luck.
And by the way, while you’re waiting for tomorrow to get here, go check out not just High Moon but all the other lovely Zuda goodness here.
Contest is closed! Thanks for playing.
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