And we’re back. Sorry for the delay in getting this up, but other real world craziness plus a huge file that actually needed editing this time made me run very late.
Please note: this podcast, if you haven’t figured it out, is profane and not safe for consumption by children or animals. Or sentient creatures of any sort.
- Rob’s cough
- Leigh’s injury and assignment of blame
- Leigh’s shoes and drinking
- AA in Ireland
- Leigh’s Nimoy panel
- Leno
- Bono in Chicago
- CougarCast!
- Rox’s “admirer”
- Leigh’s ultimate TV show
- Will the real Tom Felton please stand up?
- Rox’s birthday
- Leigh: Evil Aunt
- Mark Harmon, Bad Man
- Leigh’s Summer School story
- Leigh = gift
- The Sims update
- ScottC’s understudy
- The saga of Tuffley’s ass
- A webinar we could all use, courtesy of Kim
- Arthur’s Day
- Palingate
- More on Leno
- Richard Pryor
- We lost another sponsor
- Living in a Box
- The Needcoffee Men’s Calendar (again)
- Marvin Gaye
- Ken’s membership pimping and the Helter Skelter offer
- The Wizard of Oz in hi-def
- Drunk dialing Rob
- Beatles Rock Band
- The latest poll
- The Hooray House
Thanks to Jon from The Unique Geek for helping us sound good.
You can find all of our Recommendations at our Amazon Store.
As always, special thanks go out to Clutch for letting us use their absolutely badass song, “Promoter (of earthbound causes)” as our theme music for this.
Buy Blast Tyrant, which is where you can find “Promoter”. Buy their latest album, Strange Cousins from the West. Send them love and coin.
BTW, you iTunes subscriber types can nab this feed here. If you like us, why not rate us? We don’t bite. Mostly.
Or if you want to do something else with it, the feed feed is here.
To download this episode directly, Weekend Justice Episode 38: God’s Gift to Podcasting, then do that thing.
this was the most alcohol fueled Weekend Justice yet.
Actually, it wasn’t. I know no one will believe me but I didn’t even finish my one glass of wine.